She's still not sure what to think about grass but at the current moment she's leaning towards not liking it. We'll keep you posted on the final outcome.
Crazy Hair
She just woke up from a nap and I couldn't resist getting this one. It's kinda hard to see against the dark background, though.
We went to the mall one day with one of our friends to play in the little play area there. With the 100+ degree temperatures the parks are not currently an option. This girl is such a poser for the camera.
Sydney has started talking herself to sleep at night. It will go on for 30 or more minutes sometimes. One evening I came in to check on her before I went to bed and this is what I found. I guess she must carry on some wonderful conversations with her lamb.
New Toy
This learning table became an instant favorite. She will stand at it and dance to the music and snort along with the songs. Yes she has taken to snorting, it's one of her favorite sounds to make.
She got her living room toy box(currently a costco size cheerio box) and emptied the entire contents onto the floor. I hope she will be this easily entertained for a long time!
Cha Cha's Birthday
Playing dress up with Cha Cha!
As is typically the case when we eat out, she was finished eating well before anyone else and getting pretty restless. I had already stuffed her full of cheerios and puffs. The new solution: Pizza crust. I swore I wouldn't introduce her to white flour till she was MUCH older but sometimes you've just gotta do what you can. She loved it!
Crazy Hair
New Toy
Cha Cha's Birthday