Friday, July 10, 2009

I am THAT mom

The one I swore I NEVER would be. I was warned MANY times, by various different people(mom, grandma, friends, etc), "don't say that because you just may do that some day". Well, I said it and now I'm eating my words. I was not completely delusional, I knew that raising a child wouldn't be perfect nor would it be easy but I did think that I would stick to my ideals when doing so. I was soooooo stupid!!!!!

The most recent incident: We went to dinner this evening and Sydney wanted nothing to do with the peas, green beans and squash that I brought for her. She wouldn't open her mouth at all and she would not stop turning her head in every direction but mine. To make matters more difficult she kept squealing and whining after I took the spoon away, so I would try again and the head would start turning again. So, I gave her a few cheerios, this made everything better. After the few cheerios were finished I would take another shot at the Squash, she wouldn't have it. So when the whining got to the point of annoyance what did I do???? What I said I would never do, "I will never give my child what they're whining for just to keep them happy". HA!!!! When I am at home I don't, but get me in a public setting and I really don't want to have people staring at me and thinking "why can't that mom control her child?"

Another case: "I will never carry my child around a store when I am pushing a perfectly good stroller". Seriously, I should have taken the advice that was given to me during my years of stupidity. I have carried my child through Target on many occasions while pushing a delightfully wonderful stroller.

Yet Another case: "I will not give my child my cell phone or other items from my purse to occupy them while running errands etc". This is the conversation that takes place with myself after I have done the aforementioned. Come on now Kristin, what were you thinking?!?!?!? It's not like you can reason with a 6 month old, so how was it that you were planning to get her to calm down without some new and exciting object to distract her? So, you let her have the cell phone it's not like you've damaged her for life by giving in this one(2, 3, 4) time. She won't expect to get her way all the time because you gave in just this one(2, 3, 4) time.

I could continue on for quite some time on all the other hypocritical things I have done in regards to being a mom but I will not. I do hope I have learned from this experience and that I will not continue to list off the things I will NEVER do as a mother because I'm sure that I will be proven wrong. I guess we'll see in a few years how that goes.

1 comment:

McCullough Family said...

I am LAUGHING!! IT is SO true. Before kids, we have all sorts of ideas, then we get in the middle of it all. ;) At least we can laugh about it though.