I am constantly amazed at the things I see Sydney do. Sometime it's things she's been doing for months and other times it's a first time event. When we sit down and eat dinner as a family, which is not as often as I would like but it still happens several times a week, we always hold hands and pray before we begin the meal. Several nights ago Jeremy and I were completely distracted by a conversation we were having, I don't even remember anymore what it was about, and we started eating without praying. A few bites into the meal Sydney started to reach for Jeremy and my hands. I can't even tell you what this simple action did to me, I had to work at holding back the tears.
After she had both of our hands in hers we told her we were going to thank Jesus. She then said thank you(through sing language) eesus(Jesus). What a lesson our little girl taught us that night. There is nothing that should be so distracting that we forget to thank our Heavenly Father for all the many blessings he has given us. And how humbling to have one of the greatest blessings He's given us remind us that we need to give him thanks.
I know exactly what you're saying; it's a very humbling and proud moment to be reminded to talk to Jesus by our kids. Alex is my greatest accountibility; if we forget at mealtime or bedtime, he always reminds us.
Such a sweet story!
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