So I promised the Facebook world the story of the candle at Sydney's first birthday party. So, here it is without pictures. I didn't actually get still pictures on the candle incident just video and I still don't know how to format video so it will post on the blog. There are pictures of the candle I just haven't been able to snag them from the family that took them, so I'll add them to the post later when I get them. ANYWAY, for the story...
So, Aunt Katie sends Sydney a birthday package. Included in this package is a very elaborate candle that, once lit, lights 10 additional candles, falls open, spins around, sings and has sparklers shoot out of it. The candle is from her new home so the instructions are entirely in Mandarin. There are however three "very useful" pictures on the side of the box. Included in the box with the candle is a stick approximately the width of 2 tooth pick and twice the length. I pulled the candle out on Friday night and had my dad and Jeremy, both engineers, look at it to figure out how it worked so that we would have no delays at the party. It was decided that the stick should be lit then put into a hole on the top of the candle. Needless to say that route was tried for about 3 minutes then several others were tried, none were successful. So after about 10 minutes of trying, 8+ matches, a lighter that ran out of lighter fluid and a very frustrated 1 year old, it was decided that we would just light the 10 individual candles. Well, lighting these candles set of the sparkler in the middle which set the whole candle off just the way it was suppose to be, go figure. About 3 seconds after the candle was lit the smoke detectors started going off, Sydney started screaming and every adult in the room was absolutely rolling. Thank the Lord we just had family at this party and no other little ones, I can't even image the chaos that would have caused. Sydney did calm down enough, though to finally sit back down and eat her cake.
I know this would be so much better with pictures but I will add some when I get them. Maybe I'll even be ambitious and try to figure out how to post video.