Sunday, April 29, 2012


We celebrate the Risen Savior on Easter, and every other day of the week, in our home! This year S has a really good understanding of Easter and it has been a lot of fun to talk with her about it. Anytime she mentions egg hunts we always talk about what the true reason for celebrating Easter is. There have been plenty of opportunities for that this year with preshool, work and other places hosting these events. I love it when I hear her talking to her dolls, and anyone else that will listen(usually L), about the reason we celebrate Easter(she also did this at Christmas but as I was WELL off the blogging band wagon at that point there is no post documenting this).
Sadly I am not in the habbit of catching family moments on the camera, as much as I aspire to be the fabulsous ever present photogratpher of the family. Maybe one day I'll finaly fill that role as I hope to(not super hopeful however since my blogging consistency is well less than I had hoped for as well). After church we headed to the parentals and enjoyed a lovely lunch with them, sister 3(who needs to start her own blog now that she has an 11 month old!!!) and her family, and my grandparents. So I have only pictures of our little family of 4 since it was after everyone else departed that the camera finally came out.  :(


1 comment:

Katie said...

they're so cute in their little ruffly skirts! and i can't believe how BIG syd is getting!